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2019. 3.24


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After successful meeting in Bangkok, Tokyo Africa Collection 2019 received endorsement from the Asia Africa Foundation (Asiafrica Foundation) in Thailand. Dr. Roland Amoussou-Guenou (President of Asia Africa Foundation) and Leo Sugo (President of Tokyo Africa Collection) agreed to jointly plan to held Tokyo Africa Collection in Bangkok, Thailand to bring the concepts and successful elements all over Asia. 

Asia Africa Foundation

Asia Africa Foundation is non-profit organization registered in Thailand with vision to promote development projects between Asia and Africa. Asia Africa Foundation has engaged in cultural cooperation in the past in Nagoya, Kyoto, and Hammamatsu and established strong relationship with Japan.

Comments from Dr. Roland Amoussou-Guenou

Given the growing importance of the cooperation between Japan and Africa at the Government, Business and People to People level, we believe that our cooperation can greatly make the difference in sharing opportunities and promoting synergies. We salute your success with Tokyo Africa Collection and we excited to join your project by collaborating for the event to be hosted in Bangkok, after Japan.

Comments from Leo Sugo

This collaboration will move forward our long-term vision to held Tokyo Africa Collection in the other part of Asia. John of Kigali Fashion Week, Roland, and I are now planning to have special edition of Tokyo Africa Collection in Bangkok after Tokyo Africa Collection 2019 in Japan in September this year. The plan is still under discussion and we will surely face the financial challenge but I hope Tokyo Africa Collection can change the perception of young people not only in Japan but also in the other part of Asia toward Africa through this ambitious project. 

Tokyo Africa Collection 2019が、タイに拠点を置くAsia Africa Foundation(アジアアフリカファンデーション)より後援を頂き、またタイ・バンコクでのTokyo Africa Collectionアジア公演の開催を目標に協議を開始しました。Asia Africa Foundationは、アジアとアフリカの文化交流を活性化させることを目標にするタイの非営利法人で、名古屋・浜松・京都でもイベント開催歴があります。

コメント:Roland Amoussou-Guenou(Asia Africa Foundation代表)

政府、ビジネス、そして人と人のレベルでアジア・アフリカ間の連携がますます重要になってきている中、Tokyo Africa Collectionとの連携が、ますます多くの機会を生み、相乗効果が生まれることを期待しています。Tokyo Africa Collection 2019の日本での成功を祈り、その後のタイ・バンコク公演で連携できることを楽しみにしています。

コメント:菅生零王(Tokyo Africa Collection代表)

​先日タイを訪れ、Roland氏と連携に向け協議を開始しました。長期的なビジョンであったTokyo Africa Collectionの海外公演が大きく前進することを喜ばしく思います。ルワンダのKigali Fashion Weekとも連携し、今年の夏のTokyo Africa Collection 2019の東京開催の後に、バンコク公演を行うスケジュールで現在調整を進めています。まだ計画段階かつ資金的な障壁もありますが、このプロジェクトが日本のみならずアジア各地の人々のアフリカに対する認識を変えられるきっかけとなればうれしいです。

WhatsApp Image 2019-02-24 at
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Dr. Roland Amoussou-Guenou

President and Co-Founder of Asia Africa Foundation. A French lawyer originating from The Republic of Benin, working for Vovan & Partners as Senior Partner while also working as a lecturer at the Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand. He obtained his Doctoral Degree at the University of Paris II Pantheon Assas in 1991 and worked as Lawyer and Arbitrator in France before moving to Italy. He served the French Government as regional expert for legal cooperation in the ASEAN based in Thailand.

Asia Africa Foundationの共同創設者・代表。Vovan & Partnersでシニアパートナーとして働くベナン共和国出身のフランス人弁護士で、アジア工科大学院の講師も務める。パリ第2大学で博士号取得。フランス政府のASEAN法務協力専門官としてタイに赴任、現在に至る。

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